Project Wonderful

Thursday, April 15, 2021

There's a CampaignSick JobServe Now!

Ever since my Tumblr took off I've resisted suggestions to create a jobs listserve because there are so many good ones that already exist. The goal of CampaignSick has always been to add value to our community not to recreate the wheel. However recently I've gotten some renewed interest in doing so, particularly because Twitter followers have rightly identified the need for a jobserve that is free to both job seekers and posters. 

I want to be super clear: I'm trying to fill a need, not create competition. I don't fault any organization or individual for charging for their time. All this is to say...

The CampaignSick Jobserve is here!

To sign up: Follow this link and when you get there click "Ask to Join Group." I will approve you next time I check my email which, let's be real, is like every 5 minutes.

Some rules and expectation setting:

1) I am going to do my best to keep up with this. As I alluded to, time is money, money is pizza and since I am doing this in my "free time" (a thing I have now that I work at a non-profit) you get what you pay for and I ask for your patience as I work out the kinks.

2) To that end, it is and always will be free to post and consume but if you find a job or new employee using CampaignSick jobserve or just find it useful please consider becoming a Patron or making a one-time donation via PayPal using the email address

3) I reserve the right to post or not post jobs at my discretion. Reasons that something might be rejected include not being germane to our industry, not including salary ranges etc. (Sadly some of the heavy hitters in our industry still don't post salaries so this rule may not always stand but I want to set that as an expectation.) It goes without saying no unpaid internships. I may also pass along opportunities I find elsewhere that seem particularly exciting. 

This is still a work in progress so thank you for subscribing and passing along! 

Campaign Love and Mine,
