Project Wonderful

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"The Politician"

Has anyone else heard about Aaron Sorkin working on a John Edwards movie?

I heard rumors about a Sorkin directed movie a few months ago, but nothing since, and information on the subject is sparse. Aaron Sorkin has been getting buzz lately because of "The Social Network" or as I call it, "That facebook movie staring the kid who isn't George Michael," but of course we know him as the creator of the West Wing and The American President.

If this is true, private screening at my apartment, complete with lots and lots of alcohol! Though may I make a suggestion? A surprise ending where justice is served and Edwards is sentenced to a year in Iowa working 16 Hour days for $1,500 a month.

Onwards, Upwards, Edwards,


PS. Why is this the stock Edwards guilt photo? Thanks to Sam "Seaborn" Hagedorn for reminding me about this.

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